Deleted Comments

This is where you can see where deleted comments go. We call it the FUCK OFF initiative. If your comment is derailing, annoying or generally useless it comes here in case people are curious to see what was said. As will the grounds for deletion. If you want to see our general comment deletion policy. See here.


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Kensicky Submitted on 2014/10/30 at 1:57 pm to the Post Men Sexism an Denial


My views: Men and women are naturally very different. Men are form Mars and women are from Venus. Never expect men and women to be equal. We have different physical capabilities. Our bodies produce different hormones, we show different emotions and react differentlt to most stimuli. There is nothing we can do about that.

Modern day feminists are in this debate to win; not to come to an agreement. It would make more sense if we were seeking to agree.


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This was deleted because

1. Statements like: “Never expect men and women to be equal.”
2. Defense of that statement by means of not even trying to understand. You may be shocked to learn that feminists calling for equality are not in fact campaigning to have the same physical build up as men.
3. Derailing the debate to criticize feminists without a basic understanding of feminism. We have a policy that you don’t need to agree with us, but if you don’t even know the basics, we will not give you space in our debate platform.
4. Being silly


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The Cheshire Cat Submitted on 2014/10/30 at 11:20 am to the Post “Oyunga Pala and The False Victim Complex


True in most part but a tad more complicated than you put it. To start with, do not forget that a substantial amount of anti-female drivel is propagated by women themselves. Some of the vilest things I have heard about women have been uttered by women. Also, most men I know would take serious offense if you ever told them their mothers or sisters were idiots, even if they are card carrying members of the male chauvinistic pigs club.

This is not a men vs women affair, it really is an old vs new affair.

And it is dynamic. In parts of Kenya, one could even argue that men are actually the disadvantaged lot, facing social and economic disadvantage. What do we do in this case? Launch a tirade against women so that the pendulum swing all the way back again when women were having their eyes gouged out with broken bottles? of course not. Common sense dictates that the only way your rights (and increasingly mine) will be protected is if EVERYBODY’S rights are protected. In other words, this is not a feminist issue, it is a human rights issue.


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When this comment came in, we weren’t going to approve it but I figured we need a standard for dealing with this kind of thing on the blog. This is it. I will approve the comments and replace them with a “[Your Comment Was Deleted For Derailing The Conversation]” Then I will send them here. We shall call it, the FUCK OFF treatment.

Crime One:

You read Liv’s post about how Oyunga Pala decided women standing up for themselves made them bigots and decided to make sure she didn’t “forget” that women say vile things about women.
There are of course, several reasons she “forgot” this but most obvious of all is BECAUSE IT IS IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT.

Anyone going off topic will meet the FUCK OFF treatment. Especially if it is a post on women and your derailing is of the “yeah, but if you really think about it it’s kinda feminism and women’s fault” variety.

Crime Two:

This sentence -> “In parts of Kenya, one could even argue that men are actually the disadvantaged lot, facing social and economic disadvantage”

Where! Where the hell in Kenya can it be argued that men are on average more socially and economically disadvantaged than women in the same area? Can I get a citation for that?

Made up facts, dilemmas, situations and crises will also get you the FUCK OFF treatment.

Crime Three:

False equivalence. The plight of women is not the same as the plight of men in the same way the problem of injustice against the rich is not the same as that of injustice against the poor. In theory, fixing the whole system fixes all that. But you can be damn sure one is going to and deserves to get more attention and focus. It is both a human rights and feminist issue. Even in human rights, some issues get priority.

A sigh, a roll of the eyes and , of course, the FUCK OFF treatment.

NB: Maybe i should be nicer but if you came here mansplaining without even bothering with what the article was about…why should i?


Confused human trying to find a path.